University Teaching
Prof. Shiu’s teaching spans a wide scope – from large introductory undergraduate courses to advanced graduate classes that he designed. The new courses that he designed and taught include String Theory (Spring 2003, Fall 2003), Supersymmetry (2008), and Observational Cosmology (Spring 2018). He has also revamped the successful, long-running Collider Physics Course in Spring 2021 to emphasize the increasing use of machine learning in fundamental physics (See Physics 835, Spring 2021).
He has received the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award (2012), the highest teaching honor bestowed upon the University of Wisconsin faculty. Besides classroom teaching, university professors have the unique privilege to share their knowledge and ideas through research with early career scholars. He has been fortunate to have worked with many talented students and postdocs.
In Spring 2023, Prof. Shiu taught String Theory. Lecture notes may be available upon request.
In Spring 2024, together with Prof. Münchmeyer, Prof. Shiu created a new course on Physics 361: Machine Learning in Physics. It was taught for the first time by them together. We expect that this course will be offered every spring semester.
In the 2024-2025 academic year, Prof. Shiu will be teaching Quantum Field Theory I and Quantum Field Theory II.
Public Outreach

Besides technical lectures, Prof. Shiu has given many outreach lectures, including:
- Public Lecture “Primordial Gravitational Waves – Echoes of the Big Bang”, Summer Astronomy Lecture Series, Hong Kong Space Museum, August 9, 2014.
- Institute for Advanced Study Nobel Prize Popular Science Lecture “What is the Higgs Boson?”, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, October 11, 2013.
- Public Lecture “Between Einstein and Us: How Einstein’s Work Impacts Our Daily Lives”, Einstein in Hong Kong, jointly organized by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Education Bureau (EDB), Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong, swissnex China and the Hong Kong Science Museum, May 7, 2011.
- Steve Goldman Lectures in Mathematical Physics, “String Theory and the Quantum Universe,” Orlando, Florida, November 19, 2009.
- Frontiers of Knowledge Seminar Series: “String Theory and the Quantum Universe,” Institute for Advanced Study, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, August 26, 2009.
- Steve Goldman Lectures in Mathematical Physics, “Strings and the Real World,” Orlando, Florida, April 10, 2008.
- Outreach talk to amateur astronomers, “Strings and our Universe”, Madison Astronomical Society, February 10, 2006.