Puxin Lin gave his first talk at the Worldline Seminars: https://sites.google.com/view/worldlineseminars/ based on his paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02197.
Group News
Congratulations to Jacky Yip on passing the prelim exam
Congratulations to Jacky Yip on passing the prelim exam. The title of his presentation is “Topological Data Analysis for Cosmology”: https://www.physics.wisc.edu/events/?id=9005
String theory is alive and kicking
Manu Korupolu, Rachelle Lang, and Keiji Toriumi presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium
URS students in Shiu’s group presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium on April 25, 2024:
Manu Korupolu: “Topological Data Analysis and its Applications to Physics”
Rachelle Lang: “Towards Quantiative Topological Statements about Neural Networks”
Keiji Toriumi: “Using Topological Neural Networks for Cosmology”
Puxin Lin presented at the UW Physics Student Research Colloquium 2024
Puxin Lin presented his work on black holes at the UW Physics Student Research Colloquium 2024:
Congratulations to Jacky Yip for winning the 2023 Alan & Arline Paul Award!
Congratulations to Jacky Yip for winning the 2023 Alan & Arline Paul Award!
The list of 2023 Award Winners can be found here: https://www.physics.wisc.edu/department/awards/2022-23-scholarship-and-awards/
Learning from Topology: Paper accepted at ICML 2023
Our paper on “Learning from Topology: Cosmological Parameter Estimation from the Large-scale Structure” was accepted after peer-review at the 1st workshop on Synergy of Scientific and Machine Learning Modeling, ICML, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. July, 2023:
The arXiv version can be found here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.02636
Gary Shiu awarded DOE funding to apply string theory lessons to AI
This post is modified from one originally published by the US Department of Energy The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $4.3 million in funding for 16 projects in artificial intelligence (AI) research for high energy physics (HEP), …
Read the full article at: https://www.physics.wisc.edu/2022/12/01/gary-shiu-awarded-doe-funding-to-apply-string-theory-lessons-to-ai/Faces of Data Science
Gary’s profile is up on Faces of Data Science @UW: https://datascience.wisc.edu/staff/shiu-gary/
Read the full article at: https://datascience.wisc.edu/staff/shiu-gary/Congratulations to Gregory Loges for successfully defended his PhD thesis
Gregory Loges has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Black Holes and Branes in the Landscape”. Congratulations, Dr. Loges! He will be joining the KEK Theory Center https://www2.kek.jp/theory-center/theory_e/research-group/ in Japan as a postdoc in the coming September.